Know the uses and benefits of refractory applications used in EAF

Have you ever thought about what will happen if a furnace gets damaged and heat come outside? Imagine how terrible it can be. It can fire up your entire surrounding in minutes. Moreover, there is a chance of having more severe damage.

Therefore, you must repair it as early as possible if you are facing trouble regarding damage in an electric arc furnace. Several companies that supply refractories come with a large number of refractory applications for the total comfort of their customers. Here in this blog, you’ll learn about the uses of those refractory applications to repair and maintain an electric arc furnace.

Use of refractories in furnaces

Being a highly resistant material to heat and cold, refractories play a significant role in electric furnaces. Workers use it as a furnace lining for high materials processing at high temperatures. In addition, if the thermomechanical properties are critical in any stove, these applications help solve the work. Therefore, some refractory suppliers maintain the quality for the most convenient result. 

Benefits of having refractories in electric arc furnaces

Besides the common benefit of vital repairing, refractories have several advantages when used in an electric arc furnace. Here are some benefits given bellow.

·         Strengthen the furnace

When you apply refractories to repair a damaged furnace, you want to make it more robust than before for the long-lasting feature. Therefore, using refractories may help you to make your electric furnace stronger.

  • Protect from Corrosion

Owing to several chemical reactions of metallic oxides, the electric furnaces get corrosion in less time. Therefore, refractory suppliers make a solution for it. They produce refractory bricks which contain carbon(c). It helps to deoxidize corrosion slags in the lining and protect the EAF.

  • Protect from Melting

As furnaces have a high melting point, these are the subjects of high melting risks. To protect the stove from melting, people use refractories. On the other hand, it helps increase the availability of electric arc furnaces.


In conclusion, refractories play a vital role in EAFs. Therefore, if you have EAF, you better choose these applications to improve your furnace.

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